Simon Culverhouse

My Website
This is the third incarnation of my website. When I first decided to build a website I went for Wordpress and a cheap hosting company, but found that after putting hours into building the site it was incredibly slow. To avoid the need for a complete rebuild of the site I decided to try switching hosting company. I chose WPMU DEV which at 49€ per month was quite expensive for me, but an excellent hosting. Their support is also excellent and they helped me a lot with the transfer and set up. My website was finally useable!
However, after a few months, I found that performance was reduced again. This was my fault, the problem was that I tended to continue to ‘improve’ the site with the addition of extra plugins and more styling. In the end the site had become over complicated and slow (although still faster than the original).
In June 2020 I decided on a complete change, is now a static website built using the Hugo static website builder and hosted on Google Firebase.
To arrive at this point has been a huge learning curve, but now my site is lightning fast and I feel I have more control over the layout. I must say I think Hugo is awesome, as is the community that surrounds it.