All Projects
Plucking Multiple Chickens
Chicken plucker 2 chickens at a time,
I wanted to see how my homemade chicken plucker would cope with processing 2 chickens at a time. I was a bit concerned that the electric motor woul…
Homemade Chicken Plucker Featherplate
Chicken Plucker Featherplate after two years of use,
This year I did a complete dismantle to check for wear and tear, and found that as expected the finger plate made from OSB3 board is suffering a bi…
Compost Heating System Results
What I Learned From My Compost Heating System Project,
One week after constructing the compost heating system the average temperature reading from the sensors had risen to 68°C, which was a lot quicker …
Gravity Feed Pellet Rocket Stove
My Homemade Gravity Feed Pellet Rocket Stove,
This is my wood pellet rocket stove water heater build, it’s gravity fed and runs pretty much unattended for around 12 hours on a 15kg bag of wood …
Homemade Chicken Plucker
An end to the chore of hand plucking chickens.,
After years of plucking chickens by hand. I finally got motivated to find an alternative method. We process a minimum of 100 home reared table chic…