Chicken Slaughter Station

Speeding up the chicken butchering process
A homemade chicken slaughter station

Finished and ready to use

Here’s my chicken slaughtering station, after building a chicken plucker a couple of years ago that speeded up the plucking process, I now need a more efficient way of dispatching the chickens before scalding and plucking.

Materials Needed

  • Half a 220 litre Plastic barrel.
  • 5cm x 5cm wood.
  • 4 plastic buckets.
  • Wood screws.

The slaughter Cone

Making the chicken funnel from a bucket

The first job is to make the chicken slaughter cones that will hold the chickens while they are being slaughtered. I have previously made these out of empty plasterboard filler tubs, but found that after a couple of years the plastic became brittle and they broke.

This time I have chosen to make the funnels out of some cheap 12 litre buckets that I purchased in the local farm shop. These buckets are thin-walled and are pretty flexible which will make them easy to work with.

Preparing the bucket

First you want to remove the metal handle.

And then mark out with a marker pen as shown below.

Plastic bucket used for chicken slaughter cone with handle removed

The Bucket without the handle

Marking out top of plastic bucket used for chicken slaughter cone

Trace a line 75mm each side of handle hole

Marking out bottom of plastic bucket used for chicken slaughter cone

Trace a line on the bottom through the center

Marking out sides of plastic bucket used for chicken slaughter cone

Draw a diagonal line joining top and bottom marks

Cutting the plastic bucket used for chicken slaughter cone

Cut along the diagonal side lines

Section cut out of plastic bucket chicken slaughter cone

And around the base of the bucket

The final clearance cut for the chicken slaughter cone

Finally cut off one top corners to allow clearance

Shaping into a cone

Roll the cut bucket and overlap by about 5cm.

Drill two 4mm holes (or to suit the size of cable ties you are going to use), 10mm apart.

Rolling and drilling the chicken slaughter cone

Drill to take cable tie

Inserting cable tie to attach chicken cone

Insert cable tie and tighten

Inserting second cable tie into chicken cone

Repeat for top of cone

adding more cable ties to the chicken cone

Add 3 more cable ties to finish

I used a tenon saw and a craft knife to cut the bucket into shape.

Cut off the excess cable ties, repeat 4 times and onto building the framework to hold them.

Building The Chicken slaughter Station

A wooden framework and barrel receptacle for blood

Starting with a barrel half

Make up a wooden frame to fit the outside of the half barrel and screw together at the corners. This stage is similar to my Recycled Barrel Planter build.

Screw the barrel to the frame around the inside as shown.

recycled plastic barrel used for chicken slaughter station

Recycled half barrel

Screwing together the wooden frame for the chicken slaughter station

Screw together the frame

Attaching recycled plastic barrel to wooden frame for the chicken slaughter station

Attach the frame to the half barrel with screws

Building the ‘A’ frames

Make up 2 wooden ‘A’ frames and attach the top cross member.

Building the framework for chicken slaughter station

Two 'A' frames

Building the framework for chicken slaughter station

'A' frames with crossmember

Attach the barrel frame for chicken slaughter station

Attach the barrel frame to 'A' frames

The bracing frames for chicken slaughter station

Add second crossmember and the 45° braces

Adding the chicken funnels to the slaughter station
Almost finished building my chicken slaughter station

Once the 4 chicken cones had been attached to the finished frame I added a piece of wire and a hook to each station to secure the legs of the chicken.

A homemade chicken slaughter station

The Chicken Slaughter Station Loaded Up